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There is one word that I would like everyone to know about: PTSD or Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. It is a term used to describe a type of schizophrenia after being severely affected by a bad event. Such as terrorism, war, accidents, or witnessing various bad

Alarm signal “Dengue Fever”

What are the symptoms of dengue fever? How is it different from the common cold disease? Let’s see if you or someone around you is having it. You will be able to see a doctor quickly before it is too late. If it’s just the common cold or

Dangers of buying sleeping pills to take yourself.

Buying sleeping pills to take yourself can be found in two ways: using pills purchased online or from drug stores. There are modern medicines, which are hormonal medicines that control the sleep cycle. Human awakening or sleep-inducing medication. Another characteristic is to ask for sleeping pills from patients

Choose tofu for the Vegetarian.

Tofu is a good source of protein for the body during the vegetarian festival. But there are many different types of tofu. Hard white tofu. Hard white tofu that we may have seen people fry. It’s a fried tofu menu. Dipped in a sweet dipping sauce and stuffed with