“Apple” and 10 impressive benefits

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Apple” is one of the fruits that Thai people are familiar with. In addition to eating it fresh, it can also be used to make a variety of menus, both savory and sweet, drinks, and also provides many health benefits, such as helping to fight cancer, reduce weight, improve the digestive system to work better, nourish the heart, etc. It’s so good, why wait? Hurry up and find one to eat!

★  1. Lose Weight  ★

Research has found that people who start their meals with an apple consume 200 fewer calories than those who do not eat it. This is because apples are full of fiber and water, which make those who eat them feel full. In one study, overweight women who ate apples continuously for 10 weeks lost an average of 1 kilogram.

★  2. Good for the heart  ★

Apples are a fruit that helps reduce the risk of heart disease. This is because they contain water-soluble fiber that has the property of reducing blood cholesterol levels. ยูฟ่าเบท https://ufabet999.app  They also contain polyphenols, which have antioxidant properties and help reduce blood pressure very well. Studies have found that consuming foods that contain polyphenols, such as apples and pears, can reduce the risk of stroke by 20%.

★  3. Reduces the risk of diabetes  ★

The polyphenols in apples help prevent the destruction of beta cells in your pancreas, which are often fatal to diabetics. Studies have shown that eating one apple a day can reduce the risk of diabetes by 28% (compared to those who don’t eat any).

★  4. Reduces cholesterol and high blood pressure  ★

As mentioned earlier, apples are full of soluble fiber. According to a study conducted at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, soluble fiber can help prevent the buildup of cholesterol in the lining of blood vessels. It can also help reduce blood pressure levels. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also said that eating two apples a day can help reduce levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides.

★  5. Prevent cancer  ★

A study in the journal Pediatrics found that women who regularly eat high-fiber foods such as apples have a lower risk of breast cancer than those who do not eat them. In addition, researchers also found that antioxidants found in apples help inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Public Health Nutrition also revealed that eating apples regularly reduces the risk of certain types of cancer, such as colon cancer, esophageal cancer, and breast cancer.

★  6. Helps fight asthma  ★

Apples, rich in antioxidants, can help protect your lungs from asthma very well. One study found that people who regularly consumed apples had a 10% lower risk of developing this asthma.

★  7. Bone Nourishment  ★

Many people may not know that consuming apples can help strengthen bones because they contain flavonoids, which are antioxidants that have the ability to help prevent the destruction of cells and body tissues from free radicals, preventing premature bone degeneration.

★  8. Good for your stomach  ★

Apples contain pectin, a type of fiber that acts as a prebiotic, helping to promote the good bacteria in your stomach. In addition, apples contain malic acid, which helps increase saliva production, helping to promote the quality of your teeth and gums to be strong.

★  9. Nourishes the brain  ★

One of the interesting benefits of apples is that it nourishes the brain because it helps increase the production of acetylcholine, which has properties that help nourish nerve cells and the brain, helping to increase your memory for a long time and reducing the chances of getting Alzheimer’s disease.

★  10. Aids digestion  ★

Eating foods that are full of fiber, such as apples, helps improve the digestive system. According to Harvard Health Publishing, both soluble fiber (helps you feel full) and insoluble fiber (aids digestion, relieves constipation) are good for the body in two ways, and apples contain both types of fiber.