Blue light is another silent danger that often lurks in nature and permeates every electronic device we use in our daily lives, whether it be from sunlight, TV screens, mobile phones, laptops or tablets. That we often stare at with our eyes all the time. If we do not know how to prevent and take good care of our eyes, it may affect our eye health without us knowing! In this article, we will take you to know what the dangers of blue light are. Including how to prevent them to help preserve our eyes as much as possible.
Get to know the dangers of blue light: what is it?
Blue light is an energy wave that comes from natural light and electronic devices that can be seen with the naked eye because it is in the short wavelength range of about 400 – 500 nm (normally, our eyes can receive the energy wave length of about 400 – 700 nm). And has high energy similar to ultraviolet (UV) radiation that can affect various organs in the body, including our eyes.
As mentioned, blue light can be found in sunlight and electronic devices. The dangers of blue light can affect health if not protected, especially the health of the eyes. Which can be affected in the long term.
Be aware of the dangers of blue light!
Damage to the eye organs :
Blue light is a high-energy radiation wave that can penetrate. And damage the photoreceptors in the eye, from the cornea, lens, to the retina, which is an important part that can cause vision loss.
Eye strain occurs :
Eye strain, eye pain, blurred vision, eye irritation, or eye irritation are symptoms that people. Who work in front of a computer screen often experience.ทางเข้า ufabet These are dangerous signs of blue light that releases high-energy light waves that directly affect our eyes.
Affects sleep :
The dangers of blue light not only affect the health of our eyes, but also affect the hormone Melatonin, which makes the body feel alert and energetic. If exposed at night or before bed, it may affect rest, causing insomnia.
Care and prevention of blue light hazards
Take frequent breaks to rest your eyes.
Take care of our one and only pair of eyes from the dangers of blue light. By taking a break for your eyes every 20 minutes by looking at something about 20 feet away for 20 seconds to help reduce eye strain.
Maintain distance from device screens
For those who regularly stare at electronic screens, adjust the distance between your eyes. And the screen to about 25 inches, and choose the eye-friendly light mode that reduces blue light on your face, which will help avoid eye strain.
Adjust the lighting in the room to be adequate.
Adjusting the lighting in the room is another good way to prevent the dangers of blue light. It is recommended that when using electronic devices, there should be sufficient and appropriate lighting. This will help reduce eye strain, which may cause eye strain or pain. It will also make looking at the screen more comfortable for the eyes.
Apply a screen filter to your device screen.
For those who frequently use their eyes to work with various device screens, it is recommended to install a blue light filter film on the device screen. In addition to reducing the intensity of blue light that hits our eyes, it will also help protect the screen from scratches.